Step 1) Download the Genius Mini Application for Your Operating System/Platform.

  1. Windows Download
  2. Apple App Store
  3. Google Play Store

Step 2) Setup the Genius Mini for your Device.


  • The Genius Mini payment app is used to pair and integrate both the Bluetooth model and the audio jack model.
  • If your mobile device is currently paired with another Bluetooth device, you must unpair the Bluetooth device before you begin. 
  • Make sure your Genius Mini is fully charged before trying to setup for the first time.
  • Here is the official documentation from Tsys (Global Payments Integrated)


  • If you have any issues with setting up the Device or running the Genius Mini App Contact Tsys (Global Payments Integrated) 

1) If you are using the Bluetooth device, press the power button on the side. The audio jack model does not need to be powered on. Pressing the power button will allow it to be paired.

2) Launch the Genius Mini app by tapping the Icon. 

3. a) When you load the App you may receive an option to choose device, if not go to step 3. b).

Choose which connection type you want by tapping either Bluetooth or Audio.

If you tap Bluetooth proceed to step 4. a).  If you tap Audio proceed to step 5. a).

3. b) if option to choose device not displayed then Tap No Device.  Please select device.  The screen step in 3. a) should load if so complete that step.

4. a) If you tapped Bluetooth you maybe prompted to allow the app to scan for the Bluetooth devices.  Tap OK.

4. b)  Select the Genius Mini from the list of Bluetooth devices.  If the Genius mini is detected and connected you will load back to the main screen with the Device listed.  Proceed to Step 6)

5. a) If you tapped Audio you maybe prompted to allow the app to connect to the audio device.  Tap OK.

5. b) If the Genius mini is detected and connected you will load back to the main screen with the Device listed.  Proceed to Step 6).

6)  You will be returned to the Genius main screen. You must always be on the Genius main screen for the integration of communication between.